The Lord Of The Rings Remade In Halo Infinite Forge Mode

The Lord Of The Rings Remade In Halo Infinite Forge Mode
Images via 343 Industries | Warner Bros.

Written by 

Tom Chapman


26th Sep 2022 14:48

343 Industries is taking the Hobbits to Isengard, as one plucky player has recreated the magic of The Lord of the Rings in Halo Infinite. Since 2007's Halo 3, the level editor Forge mode has become a fan-favourite addition to the shooter series that lets you show your creativity.

Forge isn't even out yet fully, but we've already seen gamers put it through the wringer ahead of its November release. To hype the return of Forge to Halo, 343 has remade famous map, The Pit, using the editor. Bringing back the classics and adding a giant Master Chief are all well and good, but what about a trip to Hobbiton?

How Can You Visit Hobbiton In Halo Infinite?

Posting on Twitter, user Red Nomster confirmed they're remaking The Lord of the Rings using Halo Infinite's Forge. The tweet showed off the Baggins homestead of Bag End, then promised daily updates. You might have seen that Red Nomster was the Infinite player behind an impressive Toy Story build that did the same thing with Andy's bedroom.

So far, Red Nomster's build is just an explorative map with the interior of Bilbo's house, but teasing what's to come, they plan on making actual multiplayer maps for you to duke it out on.  Either way, his looks like just the start of something big for you wannabe Hobbits.

Speaking to PCGamesN, Red Nomster explained their labour of love. "I plan on making more Lord of the Rings content come November 8th," said Red Nomster. "Minas Tirith, Helms; deep, Mines of Moria – there are plenty of fun places I'd want to try to build in Halo that have been attempted in the past. Halo Infinite should be able to do these locations more justice though!"


When Does Halo Infinite Forge Come Out?

The much-delayed Forge will release on November 8 and will hopefully bring players back to the troubled title. Expanding on what's next, Red Nomster added, "November's Forge update will add flat worlds so there'll be plenty of space to recreate the larger locations. But like my Toy Story map there will be some creative changes to make it more competitive and fun to play with Halo’s gameplay in mind!"

Red Nomster is currently holding off on making the bigger Forge maps in case they don't transfer over to the full version, but still, it looks like an impressive project. Much like how modders overtake the likes of Elden Ring, we can't wait to see what other IPs will get their time in the Forge. Anyone for a Game of Thrones King's Landing build? 

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him -
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