Best Dying Light 2 Skills: Best Parkour And Combat Abilities

Best Dying Light 2 Skills: Best Parkour And Combat Abilities
Images: Techland

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


31st Jan 2022 15:18

You may be wondering what the best Dying Light 2 skills are, and with both parkour and combat skills trees to specialise into - it's worth knowing which ones are imperative for braving the Modern Dark Age. Dying Light 2 thrusts you into a large city full of the undead and factions of humans vying for power, and with your arsenal of tools (your body being the most important one) you are set loose to change Villedor's fate. Along the journey, you will pick up a host of different skills, so here are the best Dying Light 2 skills to turn you into a master of parkour and combat. 

  • Still trying to find your feet in Villedor? We have the perfect Dying Light 2 tips for you.

Best Dying Light 2 Skills: How Skills Work

Best Dying Light 2 Skills
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In Dying Light 2, there are two skill trees you can level up; one represents parkour, and the other combat. You gain experience for these by performing related actions during gameplay, and earn combat and parkour skill points separately. You can also earn experience for finishing quests, and the amount you get is typically representative of which one you have to do more of during the mission. 

Skill points let you unlock skills in their respective tree, and as you progress through the game, you can specialise into them as you like to create your own character. Earning a skill point also contributes to your player rank, and after you gain six of them, you rise by one rank. 

Best Dying Light 2 Skills: Best Parkour Skills 

Best Dying Light 2 Skills parkour
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The Dying Light 2 parkour skill relates to your movement around the environment, with the best new moves giving you more variation and speed for traversal. The very first ability you will unlock is High Jump, but from there you can go in a few different directions. We've opted for abilities that let you keep your momentum and let you deal with any physical obstacle. Here are our best Dying Light 2 skills for parkour.

Active Landing

Active Landing is one of the best skills in the game, letting you reduce your fall damage and keep your momentum after falling from high. If you time your landing right with the crouch button, you will perform a roll, and keep moving. The game's map is full of long falls that you will have to endure purposefully and accidentally, so picking this up early will ensure your continued survival.  

Far Jump

For another momentum boosting skill we have Far Jump, which lets you use obstacles - that are no higher than your character - to spring forward and jump further. This will get you to your destination much faster and let you clear gaps that wouldn't be possible with a normal leap. You can also chain them together, which is a good mechanic to learn for races.

Tic Tac

The Tic Tac is another term for a wall run, and lets you dash along vertical surfaces by holding the jump button just as you reach them. Obviously, this skill means you can unlock a bunch of different routes, and gives you tools to access previously unreachable places. It's an essential ability once you reach the second part of the city as well, and many places will slow you down without it.

Fast Climb

Fast Climb is a fantastic passive skill, and simply lets you climb faster as you manoeuvre along ledges. As any parkour actions in this game will drain your stamina, this skill is essential for avoiding falling to your death. There are a tonne of areas that require lengthy climbing with your hands, and this saved our skin more than a few times.

Wall Run Jump

The Wall Run Jump takes a couple of unlocks to get to, but it's a great utility skill which can get you out of sticky situations. Not every wall and surface has clear spots for climbing, and when zombies have you trapped in a corner, it can be your last way out before fighting. It also means you can climb higher up walls anyway, greatly increasing your speed for clambering up buildings.

Best Dying Light 2 Skills: Best Combat Skills 

Best Dying Light 2 Skills combat
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The combat skill is what it says on the tin, and fighting hard is a necessity against the zombie hordes and ruthless humans left standing. You gain a Vault Kick to begin with, and it's a staple of the parkour-based combat you will be taking part in to get the best of your enemies. We've opted for skills that add variety to the combat, and is essential for dealing with the enemy AI that can learn from your actions. Here are our best Dying Light 2 skills for combat.


The Dropkick was a classic manoeuvre in the first game, and of course it's just as powerful in the sequel. If you run toward an enemy, jump and press the kick button twice you will perform a powerful attack which launches your enemy, also working well to clear crowds. It's an easy way to use your environment to your advantage and send an opponent careening toward the floor, and works as a good combat opener. 

Power Attack

The Power Attack adds some variety to your standard attacks, and lets you hold the attack button to perform a slower, but more powerful hit. This is good at breaking an enemies block, and can one-hit them in some circumstances. It also interrupts attacks, so a well-timed one Power Attack can almost work like a parry. 

Parkour Shot

Parkour Shot only becomes more viable once you have access to ranged weaponry, which is roughly a dozen hours into the game. Once you have a good bow at your disposal, it lets you perform parkour moves like jumps, slides, tic tacs, and more, while adding slow motion for precision aiming. You can take out an entire enemy group without stopping once with this skill, and makes the ranged combat more versatile.

Grapple Throw 

The Grapple Throw first requires the Grapple, but it's a good alternative to dodging or blocking an enemy - instead launching them in a chosen direction to their likely demise. It's a good way of thinning out the immediate group of enemies, and can you let you remove someone from combat temporarily or permanently. You can even select the force of your throw to aim them at a group. 


The Windmill skill is a powerful spinning attack that lets you clear the space surrounding you, with its best use coming against the slow moving undead. It's essential for crowd control,  and with the right weapon you can decapitate entire groups and clear areas in a swing. 

That is our list of the best Dying Light 2 skills, and now you know which parkour and combat skills are essential to pick up. 

If you find any safes in Villedor, you may want to know how to access them, so check out Dying Light 2 safe locations and combinations.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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