Dying Light 2 Jack Matt, Juan, Or Frank: Who To Give Antenna Control To In Broadcast

Dying Light 2 Jack Matt, Juan, Or Frank: Who To Give Antenna Control To In Broadcast
Images: Techland

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


31st Jan 2022 13:07

The Dying Light 2 Jack Matt, Juan, or Frank choice is one of the biggest decisions in the entire game that will determine the future of Villedor. In Dying Light 2, the choice and consequence system is a big selling point, and as you get further into the game, the choices become more important. The Broadcast quest sees you make a decision that concerns which faction will be able to control the city, and involves the characters of Jack Matt, Juan, and Frank. So, for a walkthrough of the Dying Light 2 Jack Matt, Juan, or Frank choice, including what they lead to, read on.

Dying Light 2 Jack Matt, Juan, Or Frank: The Lead Up 

Dying Light 2 Broadcast Quest
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The start of the Broadcast quest sees you to travel to the Fish Eye canteen to speak to Jack Matt and Juan about the plan for turning back on the antenna. They run through what's going to happen, and the Peacekeepers set off to control the nearby power station and bottom of the VNC tower.

You are directed outside to speak to Lawan who questions your plan and worries about you dying while doing the mission, before telling you to leave. On your way to the VNC tower, the power station goes offline, and you are diverted there first to make sure the power stays on. There are some Renegades to kill inside, and once you have turned the power back on, you can finally visit the VNC tower.

Once you get there, the power drops again, but it's found to be a local issue, and you are sent to try and save some Peacekeepers higher in the building while also trying to switch the power back on. You eventually get it back on, and reconvene in a makeshift camp before resting for the night. Once morning comes, Jack Matt arrives to lead the mission from camp, and you some Peacekeepers enter an elevator to get to the roof.

Thirty floors up, the power fails again, and you all exit to walk the rest of the way, but the Peacekeepers are ambushed. All of them end up dead, and you have to survive for a while as zombies try to kill you. Eventually you turn zombie again and kill them all before passing out. 

Lawan and Frank contact you over radio, and Frank directs you upwards to a grapple hook that was left behind in the elevator shaft. You begin scaling the tower again from the outside with the grapple as he tries to talk you out of it. As you near the top he starts to become more optimistic that you will make it, and eventually you reach the roof and the antenna tower after some climbing and fighting. 

Once you reach the control box for the antenna tower, you are given the choice of helping Jack Matt/Juan or Frank. Frank will tell you how to turn on the tower, and let you know his original plan that failed ten years ago can still be finished. Whether you can choose Jack or Juan, depends on which choice you make during the Dying Light 2 Help Jack Matt or Juan choice. 

Dying Light 2 Jack Matt, Juan, Or Frank: Give Control To Jack Matt

Dying Light 2 Jack Matt, Juan, or Frank: Choose Jack Matt
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If you continue to stick with Jack Matt in the Welcome on Board quest, then you can select to continue with his plan and blast Peacekeeper propaganda across the city. This will prove catastrophic for Frank and the Survivors later in the game as missiles begin to fall down on the city. 

Dying Light 2 Jack Matt, Juan, Or Frank: Give Control To Juan

Dying Light 2 Broadcast Quest Juan choice
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If you selected to secretly side with Juan in the Welcome on Board quest, then you can activate the antenna for the Peacekeepers too, but you will also place a listening device inside the control box.

Later in the game, the missiles will cause more destruction this way, as Frank has no means of warning the residents, leading to hundreds of casualties. It will also impact the narrative of the Dying Light 2 stay with Frank or chase the van choice in The Breakthrough quest. 

Dying Light 2 Jack Matt, Juan, Or Frank: Give Control To Frank

Dying Light 2 Broadcast Quest: Give the radio control to Frank.
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If you decide to give control of the antenna tower over to Frank in the Dying Light 2 Broadcast quest, Frank starts up Hope Radio, where he informs bands of the Survivors of forms of aid that are available across the city.

It also re-establishes Frank's fate, leading him to become the leader the Survivors need. Later on in the game, when missiles start destroying the city, Hope Radio allows Frank to warn people away from danger. 

That's our walkthrough of the Dying Light 2 Broadcast quest, and now you know all the outcomes and prior choices required for your decisions in this quest. 

Shortly after this, you'll dive into the Dying Light 2 kill or spare Hakon, Nightrunners quest, which puts you in the middle of another tough choice.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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