Halo Infinite Medals: All Medals And How To Get Them

Halo Infinite Medals: All Medals And How To Get Them
Images: Xbox Game Studios

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


3rd Jan 2022 12:31

Halo Infinite medals are back again in the latest entry, and like the old games, they stand as monuments to your multiplayer career. The newest Halo game features more medals than ever, so players have plenty of opportunities to hear the announcer scream about their triumphs. With so many to acquire, both new and old, players will need a breakdown of all the Halo Infinite medals on offer, so read on for a list of them all and how to gain each one.

Halo Infinite Medals: What Are Medals?

Halo Infinite Medals
Click to enlarge

Medals are a staple of the Halo series, and show up during multiplayer games to mark your achievements and victories. The Halo Infinite medals run the gambit in terms of what you can do to acquire them, and there are plenty for players to earn by trying the different modes and weapons.

Earning one will see the medal pop up on the screen, along with a voice line from the Halo announcer. Afterwards, all your medals can be tracked in your stats screen, which shows which ones you’ve unlocked and how many times you have earned them.

Halo Infinite Medals List

Halo Infinite Medals 2
Click to enlarge

There are a total of six categories that each Halo Infinite medal will fit into. These are broken down into killing spree, mode, multikill, proficiency, skill, and style medals. 

Killing Spree Medals

  • Killjoy - End an enemies killing spree
  • Killing Spree - Kill 5 enemies without dying
  • Killing Frenzy - Kill 10 enemies without dying
  • Running Riot - Kill 15 enemies without dying
  • Rampage - Kill 20 enemies without dying
  • Nightmare - Kill 25 enemies without dying
  • Boogeyman - Kill 30 enemies without dying
  • Grim Reaper - Kill 35 enemies without dying
  • Demon - Kill 40 enemies without dying

Mode Medals

  • Always Reloading - Capture all zones in a single life
  • Duelist - Win a 1v1 encounter in the final Elimination round
  • Flag Joust - Kill an enemy flag carrier wile holding a flag
  • Stopped Short - Kill an enemy flag carrier who is about to score
  • Clock Stop - Stop the enemy from scoring their final points by capturing a zone in Strongholds
  • Fumble - Kill the enemy Oddball carrier within moments of their victory
  • Goal Line Stand - Return a flag near the enemy flag stand
  • Great Journey - Steal an enemy Power Seed and secure it for your team without dropping it
  • Lone Wold - Win against 3+ enemies by yourself in an Elimination round
  • Ace - Wipe an enemy team in an Elimination round
  • All That Juice - Secure 3 Power Seeds in quick succession
  • Flawless Victory - Win every round of a game with 3+ rounds
  • Immortal - Survive every round of Elimination
  • Necromancer - Revive every ally in an Elimination round
  • Power Outage - Steal 3 Power Seeds in quick succession
  • Steaktacular - Win a game by dominating the enemy team
  • Straight Balling - Carry the Oddball for 1 minute
  • Extermination - Wipe an enemy team with at least an Overkill in an Elimination round
  • Perfection - Win a game with 15+ kills and no deaths

Multikill Medals

  • Double Kill - Kill 2 enemies in quick succession
  • Triple Kill - Kill 3 enemies in quick succession
  • Overkilll - Kill 4 enemies in quick succession
  • Killtacular - Kill 5 enemies in quick succession
  • Killtrocity - Kill 6 enemies in quick succession
  • Killamanjaro - Kill 7 enemies in quick succession
  • Killtastrophe - Kill 8 enemies in quick succession
  • Killpocalypse - Kill 9 enemies in quick succession
  • Killionaire - Kill 10 enemies in quick succession

Proficiency Medals

  • Bodyguard - Save 5 allies by killing their attacker
  • Bomber - Kill 5 enemies with launchers
  • Boxer - Kill 5 enemies with melee
  • Breacher - Kill 5 enemies with SMG weapons
  • Driver - Kill 5 enemies with ground vehicles
  • Grenadier - Kill 5 enemies with grenades
  • Gunslinger - Kill 5 enemies with pistols
  • Gunner - Kill 5 enemies with mounted turrets
  • Heavy - Kill 5 enemies with detached turrets
  • Marksmen - Kill 5 enemies with tactical rifles
  • Pilot - Kill 5 enemies with aircraft
  • Rifleman - Kill 5 enemies with assault rifles
  • Saboteur - Destroy 5 enemy vehicles
  • Scattergunner - Kill 5 enemies with shotguns
  • Sharpshooter - Kill 5 enemies with sniper rifles
  • Spotter - Mark 5 enemies that are then killed
  • Tanker - Kill 5 enemies with siege vehicles
  • Treasure Hunter - Mark 3 power weapons that are picked up by allies
  • Warrior - Kill 5 enemies with melee weapons
  • Wheelman - Earn 5 driver assists
  • Wingman - Earn 5 flying vehicle assists

Skill Medals

  • Back Smack - Kill an enemy by hitting them from behind with melee
  • Chain Reaction - Kill an enemy with a shock chain
  • Dogfight - Destroy an enemy aircraft while in one yourself
  • Guardian Angel - Save an allies life from far away
  • Harpoon - Grapple a distant enemy
  • Kong - Kill an enemy by throwing a Fusion Coil
  • Odin's Raven - Detect 3+ enemies with a single Threat Sensor
  • Reversal - Kill an enemy who attacked you first
  • Skyjack - Hijack an enemy aircraft
  • Snipe - Headshot an enemy with a sniper rifle
  • Splatter - Kill an enemy by hitting them with a vehicle 
  • Stick - Kill an enemy by sticking them with a Plasma or Spike Grenade 
  • Ballista - Kill an enemy with a Skewer from far away
  • Bank Shot - Kill an enemy with a ricochet
  • Bulltrue - Save yourself or an ally by interrupting an enemies Energy Sword lunge
  • Cluster Luck - Kill 2 or more enemies with a grenade
  • Death Race - Splatter 2+ enemies with a single boost in a Ghost
  • Fire & Forget - Kill an enemy with an M41 SPNKr from far away
  • Hail Mary - Kill an enemy with a grenade from far away
  • Mind The Gap - Kill an enemy by sending them to their death with the Repulsor
  • Nade Shot - Headshot an enemy immediately after damaging them with a grenade 
  • No Scope - Kill an enemy with a sniper rifle without zooming
  • Pancake - Kill an enemy by flattening them with the Repulsor
  • Perfect - Kill an enemy with a precision weapon with peak efficiency
  • Pull - Kill an enemy with a sniper rifle after they've been launched by a Man Cannon
  • Rideshare - Deliver the objective carrier to the objective after driving a great distance
  • Tag & Bag - Kill 2+ enemies while revealing them with the Threat Sensor
  • Whiplash - Kill a grappling enemy
  • Windshield Wiper - Kill an enemy attempting to hijack a vehicle 
  • Achilles Spine - Kill an Overshield enemy by hitting them from behind with melee
  • Autopilot Engaged - Kill the enemy driver of a moving vehicle with a sniper rifle
  • Boom Block - Block an incoming projectile by deploying a Drop Wall
  • Grand Slam - Kill 2+ enemies with a single Gravity Hammer swing
  • Interlinked - Shock 4 enemies with a single chain
  • Nuclear Football - Catch an enemy-thrown Fusion Coil
  • Return To Sender - Kill an enemy by deflecting their projectile
  • Sneak King - Kill a camouflaged enemy by hitting them from behind with melee
  • Ninja - Kill an enemy by leaping over them and hitting them from behind with melee
  • Quigley - Kill 2+ enemies with a single S7 Sniper round
  • Remote Detonation - Kill an enemy by shooting a grenade

Style Medals

  • Flyin' High - Achieve a massive jump in a fully-loaded vehicle
  • From The Grave - Kill an enemy after you die
  • Last Shot - Kill an enemy with your magazine's last round
  • Mount Up - Assemble a fully-loaded vehicle of 2+ allies after honking the horn
  • Quick Draw - Kill an enemy with a pistol immediately after switching to it 
  • Reclaimer - Hijack an enemy vehicle that was once yours
  • Special Delivery - Kill an enemy with a Man Cannon or Grav Lift-boosted grenade
  • Grapple-Jack - Grapple to and hijack an enemy vehicle
  • Hold This - Kill an enemy immediately after dropping a weapon using your remaining gun
  • Lawnmower - Destroy an enemy vehicle with the wheels of a Brute Chopper
  • Mounted & Loaded - Earn a Double Kill with a stationary turret
  • Off The Rock - Kill an enemy with a weapon immediately upon retrieving it from its spawn location
  • Party's Over - Destroy a fully-loaded enemy Razorback
  • Pineapple Express - Kill an enemy with a grenade as a passenger
  • Ramming Speed - Destroy an enemy vehicle by hitting it with your own
  • Shot Caller - Headshot an enemy moments after marking them
  • Yard Sale - Kill an enemy who had a power weapon and a full inventory
  • 360 - Kill an enemy by shooting them immediately after spinning around
  • Combat Evolved - Catch a power weapon that was blasted off a Weapon Pad with a Plasma Grenade
  • Deadly Catch - Grapple a weapon or object to you and immediately kill an enemy with it
  • Driveby - Earn a Double Kill as a passenger
  • Street Sweeper - Kill an enemy with the CQS48 Bulldog as a passenger
  • Fastball - Kill an enemy with the impact from a thrown grenade

There is the list of all the Halo Infinite medals that can be currently earned in the multiplayer. We don't expect any more to be added, but should that happen, this article will be updated to reflect that.

Now you know all of the Halo Infinite medals, read our top Halo Infinite multiplayer tips here.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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