How To Replay Missions In Halo Infinite

How To Replay Missions In Halo Infinite
Images: Xbox Game Studios

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


9th Dec 2021 12:25

Is there a Halo Infinite replay missions feature yet? Every Halo so far has been mission based, and with that usually comes the option to replay them after completion. It's a standard feature in many single player games, and is great for experiencing your favourite moments or going back to find collectibles. So, if you're looking for how to replay missions in Halo Infinite, then read on. 

How To Replay Missions In Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite Replay Missions map
Click to enlarge

The Halo Infinite replay missions feature isn't quite here yet, but 343 have confirmed they are looking to add it shortly, with the Creative Director, Paul Crocker stating, "It's part of what is coming later. […] It's not that it doesn't work, it's just that it's not finished." It's a bummer as it makes 100% completing the game harder, and the only way to currently replay missions is to restart the whole campaign over. 

In older titles this wasn't the case, and there was a mission select screen under the campaign, along with the ability to pick a new difficulty and select skulls that change the variables in-game. 

A Halo Infinite replay missions option would certainly make the collectibles in Infinite much easier to acquire, as there are many of them, including: UNSC and Banished audio logs, skulls, Spartan Cores, and more. At the moment, when selecting the map, there are icons that show where past missions took place, and it even notes which collectibles you found. Though considering there's no option to replay them right now, the icons almost taunt you. 

Make sure to keep checking back here, as once the Halo Infinite replay missions option is available, we'll update this article with how to access it. In the meantime, if you're still deciding if the game is for you, have a look at our Halo Infinite campaign review, and Halo Infinite multiplayer review


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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