MW2 Travis Rilea Error: How To Fix

MW2 Travis Rilea Error: How To Fix
Images via Activision

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


22nd Feb 2023 09:45

The MW2 Travis Rilea error has been occurring for a lot of players, and you may want to know how to fix it so you can get back to playing the game, instead of being stuck on an error screen and told you can't connect. There are still some annoying bugs and errors present in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 as of season 2, and it can sour a relatively solid experience. So, check out how to fix the MW2 Travis Rilea error and get back to playing the game.

MW2 Travis Rilea Error: How To Fix

MW2 Travis Rilea Error: How To Fix
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The MW2 Travis Rilea error appears when players boot up the game and try to connect to the internet. During the loading screen, a window will pop up that says "connection failed. Timed out while signing into online platform (Reason TRAVIS - RILEA)". Your only options here are to select 'Retry' or 'Quit to desktop', but you'll want to know how to fix the actual issue and get back to playing, which we cover below.


The simplest fix you can do is restarting the game and trying again. This will usually fix any issues and doesn't require you to spend time messing with options or your hardware.

Check The Servers

It may be a case that the Activision servers on your specific platform of choice are down, or the COD servers themselves aren't working correctly. You can check this out on the Activision support page, where they cover which online services are working.

Restart Your Internet Connection

The problem may be on your end, meaning your internet isn't working properly. To remedy this, you can try restarting your router, or just restart your internet on your console or PC.

Change Connection

You can also try changing to a different network, or switch from wireless to Ethernet, and vice versa.

That's all for our primer on how to fix the MW2 Travis Rilea error, and now you know some methods to get back to playing the game.

For PC users, we also have a guide for fixing the MW2 scan and repair PC error

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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