Scorn First Puzzle: How To Complete And Open The First Doors

Scorn First Puzzle: How To Complete And Open The First Doors
Images via Ebb Software

Written by 

Kiera Mills


20th Oct 2022 18:01

First-person puzzle horror Scorn delights in dropping players into the game without explanation. In the starting area of Scorn, you'll find yourself scuppered by a locked door. Read here for a full rundown of the first puzzle in Scorn which will let you get past the doors so you can experience the full game in all its gory glory.

Scorn First Puzzle Walkthrough

Scorn: First Puzzle Walkthrough
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As soon as your unfortunately placed character wakes in the horror landscape, you'll be faced with a locked set of double doors. These are in the main central chamber, not far from where the game begins.
Upon interacting with the door it will become clear that it requires two people to operate each pedestal resorbable for unlocking the mechanisms of the door. The main chamber is recognisable as having a main tower situated in the centre of the room, opposite the large set of double doors.

From the double doors, head to the right-side chamber, Follow the path until it leads you into a circular room with crane equipment. Ignore the equipment, interact with the elevator opposite and ride it to another floor.

Once the elevator stops, you'll see a large room directly ahead with two pedestals situated. Interact with the pedestal on the right and it will take you into a perspective to complete the first stage of the puzzle.

Scorn First Puzzle Walkthrough: Cocoon Puzzle

Scorn Cocoon Puzzle
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The puzzle here requires you to operate the machinery and get the two glowing cocoons to the left side of the puzzle in the slot where a glowing light is emitting from. Of the two glowing cocoons, one is stuck to another dead cocoon and will require some organising to get past the others. The puzzle is in theory, a tile puzzle and will require you to shift all the cocoons around until the dead cocoons are piled on the right side of the screen. Once you line up a glowing cocoon towards the light, activate the left pedestal and the machine will crush it.

Repeat this process until both lit cocoons are processed by the machines. You'll notice once the second cocoon is crushed, it will reveal a mass of writhing limbs within the cocoon. It will then be lowered down to the lower floor by the machinery, leaving you free to exit the room via the elevator.

Scorn First Puzzle Walkthrough Part Two

Scorn: First Puzzle Walkthrough
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Once the elevator is lowered, return to the central chamber where the tower is located. Climb the tower in the centre of the room. You'll be able to hear the cries of the writhing mass now as it is located just above the room.

From the tower, interact with the pedestal here to reveal the next puzzle part. You'll receive a birds-eye view of the room. Here you'll need to move access to the correct track so that the cocoon can be lowered and moved via cart. Follow the picture above and keep all track gates closed except for the bottom right gate. Open this and then exit the pedestal.

Follow the twisting pathway from the tower and you'll see another pedestal in front of you, this controls the mine cart below the cocoon. Interact with it to lower the cocoon onto the cart. Now you can push the cart along the tracks you've just freed access to.


Scorn First Puzzle Walkthrough Part Three

Scorn: First Puzzle Walkthrough
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Push the cart forwards until it stops. Here, there is another pedestal to interact with, once this happens you will see a brief animation of the machinery processing the cocoon. Then, the cart will be ready to push forwards again to within the crane room.

Once in the crane room, you can use the outer pedestal to move the cocoon into the central chair. Then use the inner pedestal to activate the machinery. The machine will strip the body from the cocoon, removing one of its arms in the process. Now, pick up the arm and return to the central chamber.

Scorn First Puzzle Walkthrough Part Four

Scorn: First Puzzle Walkthrough
Click to enlarge

Now you have an extra arm for the door mechanism, however, the door will not recognise it until you get it implanted. Turn left at the main double doors and walk down the left passageway. There will be a machine with a tube sticking out from the wall on the left side. Interact with this and the arm will be implanted. Now you're all set to open the door, interact with the left pedestal in front of the doors and then the right.

The path ahead should be clear.

  • If you're a horror fan, be sure to also check out our review on The Quarry.
Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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